We here are people of the Internet, so you probably already know that the FCC boss is trying to remove the ability of his own Comission to enforce net neutrality rules, practically making a few large internet providers the gatekeepers of content. So, censors. Or, as some guy on YouTube very well put it:
"Imagine the internet as a jumble of streets and highways, and my internet provider as my car. If i turn down one street and my car starts to move 2mph instead of 60mph, we clearly have a system that is fundamentally FCC'd."
I'm not saying that, if he pushes this through, there maybe might just be a warm seat on the board of some large ISP waiting for the Chairman of the FCC, after his mandate is over. I'm not saying that at all.
Anyway, if you like internet freedom or nice things in general, I think you should at the very least join the online movement against it:
Also, I noticed a bunch of internet companies have banded together to have a "go f yourself" day on July 12, including Mozilla, Amazon, Reddit and so on. I think Newgrounds should join that movement as well. Just saying. I'm looking at you, Tom.
These well-to-do fucks in diverse top positions will keep on trying to gain control of the Internet. They tried it with ACTA/SOPA, and this is another one of those times. So it's our job to make sure they fail every time. This is one of those times.
I guess what I'm saying here is, let's not let these asshats have their way, shall we?
Thank You We Have Protecting Internet Freedom